A public art project by artist Kate Elliott

This project derives from an archive of over 100 family photos, the earliest of which dates from the turn of the nineteenth century. They had been discarded in a skip in Belsize Park, North London, where they were discovered by Shar Camilleri in early 2010.

It is a project about time. I am less concerned with the individual story behind each of the images, but more with a generic identity, that can be explored and extended according to the different experiences of everyone who sees them.

Drawing on universal feelings of loss, nostalgia, melancholy and hope, I take these photographs from their original and unknown context in the hope of creating new personal and intertwining narratives, individual to each image.

While we are all connected by our personal memories, as well as by our ability to dream, we also crave a sense of belonging, and are pre-occupied with a continual and possibly never-ending search for identity in and through the lives of others.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The Boy (after fifteen months)

Walking down Cecilia Road a couple of days ago, I noticed there is now only one image of The Boy remaining...

The Boy - November 2012

Monday, 3 September 2012

The Landscape (after one month)

The Landscape is a site-specific photo installation, selected as part of the public art programme Patio Projects at WW Gallery, Hackney.

After one month, when it came to de-installing the work, this was how The Landscape looked.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The Girl and The Boy (after a year)

A year on, you can see The Girl and The Boy curling at the edges, the blacks have started to fade, the effect of the rain is showing more and more. One of the posters in The Boy has disappeared entirely, another torn, continues to move in the wind. The 'Fun Fair' posters in The Girl have been removed leaving only a faint hint of their existence.

The Girl and The Boy - August 2012

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The Landscape

The Landscape is a site-specific photo installation, selected as part of the public art programme Patio Projects at WW Gallery, Hackney.

The wall of the patio space is transformed into a photographic montage of landscapes. The relationship between the photographs, and how they intercept with the urban landscape of Hackney Downs, is central to the piece, the proximity of one affecting the reading of the other. Through use of a perspex mirror, the passer by can see themselves simultaneously in both environments. 

The exhibition runs from 2 August - 2 September 2012, and is open 24/7.

 Installing The Landscape at WW Patio Projects

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Girl and The Boy on Google maps

The Girl on Cecilia road and The Boy at Hackney Downs Junction have made it onto Google maps street view.

Monday, 28 May 2012

The Girl and The Boy (after nine months)

Nine months on a little more of The Boy has started to pull away from the board, and some new posters have appeared on The Girl - 'Fun Fair at London Fields'

 The Girl and The Boy - May 2012

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Family

Published in the May 2012 issue of Hackney Citizen (a free local newspaper), The Family looks out from the bottom corner of a page. Posing for a family portrait, their gaze off kilter, the hidden source of distraction interrupts what would otherwise be the 'perfect portrait', and evokes in the viewer a feeling of shared experience and emotion. 

The Family in the Hackney Citizen

Sunday, 22 April 2012

The Girl and The Boy (after eight months)

Eight months on, the 'discover amazing talents in your local area' posters have disappeared from The Girl, and one image in The Boy has started to fall away. With the lower half of the image no longer there, the remaining piece moves in the wind, the boy still looking ahead. 

The Girl and The Boy - April 2012

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Girl and The Boy (after seven months)

Seven months on, the shop at Hackney Downs junction has changed, and two small posters have been added to The Girl - 'discover amazing talents in your local area'. The Boy remains untouched. 

The Girl and The Boy - March 2012